The Climbers Choice of Products and Tools
About Buckingham:
“In 1896, Wilmot Stephens founded The Stephens Company in Binghamton, NY. “Stephen’s Climbers” were handcrafted in his blacksmith shop and formed the genesis of entire product lines serving linemen and arborists. Several years later in 1913, W.H Buckingham purchased The Stephens Company and changed the name to what is now known as Buckingham Manufacturing Co., Inc.
At that point in time, manufacturing was expanded beyond climbers to include linemen’s body belts, safety straps, climber pads, knives, and other tools. Andy Batty Jr. and a new management team took ownership in 1984 and grew the company substantially over the next several decades, solidifying Buckingham’s role as the world’s leading and most trusted manufacturer of equipment for major electric utilities, telecommunications companies, wireless and cable providers, and arborists.
Today, Andy and his son Tim continue to guide the company and have expanded, improved, and introduced new products; built, maintained, and grew a robust sales and distribution system that spans the globe, and introduced new technology to the industries Buckingham serves as well as its own production facility. According to a catalog from the 1940’s, “Mr. Buckingham always demanded the utmost in fine workmanship and made no compromise with quality.” That laser-like focus on quality remains today amongst a continually growing and dedicated workforce at the same exact Binghamton, NY location.”
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AS/GS Wire
About Conex Cable:
“We started production of Aluminum-clad Steel (AS) wire in 1988 using the continuous extrusion process developed in 1956. The original headquarters and plant facilities were in the San Francisco Bay area. During the 1990’s, the company operated either as a joint venture or as a subsidiary of Hitachi LTD. Conex Cable, LLC continues the use of technology from Hitachi Cable in the production of AS wire.
In 2004, under new private 100% U.S. ownership, the headquarters and plant facilities were moved to a new facility in DeKalb, IL. In 2015, Conex Cable, LLC completed a $3,500,000 expansion to our manufacturing facility in DeKalb. The expansion included the installation of a continuous process to produce Galvanized Steel (GS) wire. This expansion allowed for the production of both Class A Galvanized Steel and our brand CONZINAL, 95% zinc/5% aluminum plus mischmetal.
Conex Cable, LLC is now the only domestic company manufacturing both Aluminum-clad Steel (AS) wire and Galvanized Steel (GS) wire, both Class A and CONZINAL. Conex is cladding or galvanizing, drawing, and stranding all their product 100% in-house.”
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Fiberglass Hot Line Tools & Equip
About Hastings:
“When it comes to making safe, dependable hot line tools and equipment, Hastings has satisfied tough customers around the world since 1959.We take pride in our accomplishments, always pushing ourselves to reach our uncompromising standards.
The lineworkers who use our tools can’t take shortcuts and neither do we. As originators of the Tel-O-Pole® telescoping hot stick and many other patented products, we are proud to be the industry innovator of hot line tools and equipment. Our drive to always do better and push product development further make our products the very best you can buy. Whether that means modifying an existing product or creating a new one, we are constantly exploring ways to break new ground.
As a worldwide supplier with products in use in more than 50 different countries, Hastings remains focused on delivering tools that line crews can really trust at home and abroad. Since 1959, our reputation for quality, dependability, and long-lasting product life has been field-tested in all 50 states and around the world. When you see our name, expect the best because—at Hastings—hot line tools are our only business.”
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Transmission & Distribution Materials
About Hughes Brothers:
“Hughes Brothers is boldly different. We celebrate our history, and we live out our mission daily. Our products have evolved as needs and technology have changed over the decades, but our drive to produce quality, mission-critical products is uncompromised.
Three generations and 100 years of hard work, dedication, and determination to produce quality products make Hughes Brothers a story worth sharing. Our company is our family’s way of life. “We are an honest company, making honest products for the American people. We are very proud of that,” says John Hughes, President of Hughes Brothers. We are a company that makes a significant impact by working hard and smart every day with employees we consider family. With approximately 300 employees, Hughes Brothers supports our community and serves our customers with unending loyalty and the desire to do the right thing, always.”
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Engineered Laminated Wood Poles & Structures, Pole Reinforcing & Reclassification
About Laminated Wood Systems:
“Laminated Wood Systems, Inc. (LWS) was founded in 1992 and is responsible for re-introducing engineered glue-laminated wood poles to the electric utility industry. Located in Seward, Nebraska, LWS is a privately held sales and engineering company that utilizes manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and Canada to produce its products. This nationwide manufacturing network allows the products to be produced close to where the projects are located, reducing shipping costs and ensuring consistent, short lead times. LWS holds U.S. and Canadian patents on several products including the PhaseRaiser®, PoleEnforcer®, and AVR® systems.”
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Wire and Cable Products
About Nehring:
“Founded in 1912, Nehring Electrical Works Company has been producing wire and cable products longer than any wire mill in the Midwest. Nehring manufactures and markets bare, tinned, and insulated copper and aluminum wire, ACSR, AAC, ACSS, AAAC, aluminum-clad steel, ACSR/AW, ACSS/AW, copper-clad steel, building wire, underground power cables, ground rods and medium voltage cables to the utility, telecommunication, electrical distribution, and OEM markets. With a wide range of high quality products and a reputation of service excellence, Nehring is an approved supplier, and recognized leader to nearly every utility, REA, municipality, and telecommunications company in the U.S. Our experienced sales team provides our customers with superior knowledge and service. We pride ourselves on going above and beyond to exceed our customers’ expectations, giving them what they need, when they need it. Nehring has put into action a Crisis Action Team to ensure a rapid response to our customers’ needs following any natural disaster. We have proven our exceptional speed and service at utilities across the U.S. in the wake of hurricanes, ice storms, and tornadoes.”
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SAE Inc.
Innovative, Grounding and Cathodic Protection
About SAE Inc.:
“Founded in 1990, SAE initially focused on designing and installing electrical grounding systems predominantly in the telecommunication and industrial sectors.
SAE’s early grounding designs incorporated extensive horizontal and vertical copper conductor, electrode systems and a conductive backfill. Recognizing the need to continuously improve, in 1995 SAE developed a proprietary conductive carbonaceous concrete backfill. CONDUCRETE has become an integral component of not only SAE’s grounding designs, but more recently SAE AC Mitigation and Cathodic Protection systems as it improves the performance, extends the useful life and protects the systems from theft.
In 2002, SAE began the innovation process that led to the development of its revolutionary ENVIRANODE Cathodic Protection System. The ENVIRANODE System, the only environmentally friendly CP System available, has been successfully installed by major customers.
In 2008, SAE commissioned its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility which enabled SAE to manufacture its own products and quickly respond to customer requirements. A decade later, due to increasing product demands, SAE’s corporate headquarters and main manufacturing facility were merged and relocated to 691 Bayview Dr., Barrie, ON.
In 2017, SAE invented and launched an extraordinary product named CONDUDISC, a corrosion proof utility pole ground plate that completely took the grounding industry to new levels. Furthermore, the expansion of the SAE conductive backfill collection was advanced with the development of CONDUFLOW and CONDUFORM; pourable and formable conductive backfills.
Today, SAE is strengthening and expanding its core grounding solutions. SAE has recently launched a variety of new products including the CONDUDISC FLEX, a versatile and flexible encased ground plate and our TPG Grounding Screw and TPG Outrigger Pads, included in our new temporary protective grounding line.”
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